Our Purpose

Making your retirement plans simpler, smarter, and safer.

Our seminars are always free, always educational, and always hosted by a certified financial educator. Contact us for information on events happening in your area, and help us lower the percentage of Americans who are unprepared for retirement.


"1 in 3 Americans have nothing saved for retirement."

That number is too high. That’s why we created R3 Retirement Educators. The time to educate Americans on what is necessary for a successful and enjoyable retirement is now. 

"76% of Baby Boomers surveyed in 2016 were not confident that they had enough saved for retirement, according to the Insured Retirement Institute. Among those folks, 68% wished they'd saved more, and 67% wished they had started saving earlier."

7 risks to retirement

How might these risks impact your future? Learn with us today.